
Hello there.


Ya bOi graduated today! ^^


Hello there everyone!
          First off, I’m not dead.
          Secondly, just because I’m not dead doesn’t mean I’m going to be that active here anymore. Like my very close friends— @LapisLazulli2, @Personsayinstuff, @Mistyaaml4ever, and others— I’ve kinda started to grow out of this place. Does that mean I’m going to stop being here? Absolutely not. I’ll still comment on random books and answer PMs and whatnot, but don’t expect anymore Random Book chapters anymore.
          Perhaps I’ll post stories here too every now and again when I feel like it, but yeah. Just figured I’d give a heads up to those of you who haven’t started to catch on to the pattern yet.
          Y’all can still contact me on Discord at @Lukenotskywlkr#7670, or Tumblr at lukenotskywlkr. Hell, you’ll even find me on Pokémon Showdown at Luke<Braviary>. 
          Until next time I bother to say something here, I’ll c’yall later. (^o^)/


@Sylveon12 I’m still gonna hang out here. Just not as much 


@Lukenotskywlkr oh hey I should do an announcement like this too :0
            Thanks for giving me this idea umu


@Lukenotskywlkr You seem pretty dead to me tho