
this message may be offensive
hello goobers it's me after a year and a half of not updating lmao and I just want to let y'all know that i'm gonna be coming out with another FULL LENGTH  book and of course it's going to be a fanfiction bc i'm harry trash fuck off.  Also, CHECK OUT MY FIRST FINISHED SHORT STORY SAFE TO SHORE BC IT'S 101% FINISHED. THAT'S ALL MKAY LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


this message may be offensive
hello goobers it's me after a year and a half of not updating lmao and I just want to let y'all know that i'm gonna be coming out with another FULL LENGTH  book and of course it's going to be a fanfiction bc i'm harry trash fuck off.  Also, CHECK OUT MY FIRST FINISHED SHORT STORY SAFE TO SHORE BC IT'S 101% FINISHED. THAT'S ALL MKAY LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


hello everyone!Sorry for being gone for 3483257 years! (it's equivalent to 2 months in the real world) Yes I am alive,I just did a little wandering for the past months because I really didn't know what I wanted out of life. I was having ridiculous mood swings and i was also having sleeping problems at night so i really couldn't think straight most times.School was stressing me out so much I actually thought self harm was gonna help.I didn't cut or tried to drink bleach I just literally thought about it and then quickly gave myself a nice good slap.
          Fret not,I actually have all the books I have in here finished,they're all just sitting in my journal waiting to be typed and posted so please look forward to that.
          BEfore i finally say my farewell I am actually looking for a person to co-own my twitter account @LukeyHommo who has Liam/5 'cause I've been really trying to focuse on my studies so please hit me up here anytime.
          I think that's all for now!