(“PrIvAtE MeSsAGiNg Is No LoNgEr AVaIlAbLe”
The fudge you mean it’s not longer available whos bright idea what this how am I supposed to discreetly annoy people)
i'm quitting, luki.
i'll still get the notifications if you message on my board. do that when you get back and i'll give you another way to contact me.
until then, sayonara, dear brother.
[OH YEAH IT WAS OVER A YEAR AGO SO YOU PROBLY DON'T REMEMBER but this is your cousin who simultaneously looks up to but feels competitive towards you, he's a total girlfailure)
(I am also grateful I exist, what would this world be without my fabulous wit and comedic timing.
And before I get chanclad yes I’m grateful you exist)
(“PrIvAtE MeSsAGiNg Is No LoNgEr AVaIlAbLe”
The fudge you mean it’s not longer available whos bright idea what this how am I supposed to discreetly annoy people)