
Dear boys, girls and everything in between, I beg of you to read an HP fanfiction my dear friend, Tara185, and I have written (thought I would say I was more of an editor than a writer). As a person who has grown out of fanfiction lately, this story really made me want to start reading more.


Dear boys, girls and everything in between, I beg of you to read an HP fanfiction my dear friend, Tara185, and I have written (thought I would say I was more of an editor than a writer). As a person who has grown out of fanfiction lately, this story really made me want to start reading more.


Does anyone else feel potatoes are getting abused? Like, they're plants, they have lives, why are you dressing them up with tissue paper and throwing them down the stairs? Potatoes lives matter, guys. I'm a potato activist and I think we need to fight to get potato rights back.


April, are you stoned or drunk?