
After a year of being MIA, I'm back. 
          	Anyone wanna see any story updates?
          	Anyone even still alive?????


I’m still here! ❤️


Anyone have a preference on which of my books I should update next?? Just published a chapter of Luma after weeks of not being online. So...
          Another chapter of Luma or a new chapter of innocence??
          You decide (: 


Can’t decide, haven’t seen a chapter of Innocence in a while though


Hello everyone. Sorry I've been gone for so long I've had to complete my exams so I could finally leave school. If you have any cover requests that you have placed I will get them completed so do not worry. As for my books, I may take some time to get back into a writing schedule so chapters may come sometime soon. Hopefully.
          That is all (: 


Hello again. Me and my great friend @BaYoCa have been working on a book for quite some time now. And finally the first chapter is up. The book is posted on my friends profile so if you would like to read it please do. Feedback is greatly appreciated :) 


Hope everyone enjoys(: Be sure to comment(:


After what seems like months I have finally updated BOTH my books. I do apologise for the wait and I'm sorry if the chapters aren't great. I have had a lot of stress lately and I've recently been in hospital to I've been set back in school for a while so I can catch up. 
          Please enjoy my most recent chapters and I hope to get more out soon. 
          P.s any idea and/or suggestions for my books (or for a new book) are deeply appreciated


@Luma-Loki I don't care about the books ( eventhough their Epic af ) I care for your Safety! Be stress-Free Me frien :)