
Hi all! Just wanted to let you know that Ch. 1 of Kuroko's Sister has been updated! Please let me know what you think. Also, if I opened a Ko-Fi would you all be interested in buying chapters?


Check out my original story! It's so much like animes such as Naruto! You'll enjoy!


Okay I'll look at it 


It's now be done 


 I have a challenge for all of you I want to you comment a character that you want to see in the story to play along with Misaki in the American team. These are the things I need for a character submission.
          Character Name
          Playing Skill( What are they known for playing well in i.e. What position or what move)
          Hair color
          Skin color
          Backstory ( doesn't have to be long )
          Personality Traits
          Anything else you want to add
          Anyway thanks again guys I'll give a shoutout and follow to the winners that I choose. Good luck and have a great day or night.


I just got tagged by @Chin Mizu and I'm going to go ahead and do the challenge. 
          Title:Being Happy Doesn't Mean Everything is Perfect
          Mallory: One of my friends that goes to school with me I absolutely love her in every way
          Lauren: My best friend since 2nd grade we've been through a lot together
          Weismann96: The greatest person in the world that did my covers for my stories