Heyyy I’ve reread INASA sooo many times. Even if it isn’t finished, I always go back to it and I’ve been reading it since you were posting updates back in 2014. Just wondering if you’re going to update it or start over on it? Loveeee this freaking book and I can definitely see it going hard cover in stores!!

I just finished reading it but for me it still says last updated in 2014, I truly hope you’re right tho!!

@_Zenovia_ okay so I know in previous comments the author said they were rewriting their books and eventually post/update them when the time comes! So today after I reread the book again (LOL) it said it was last updated April 22, 2021! SOOO I am really really really hoping it’s being updated! Literally I’ll reread it again in about a week!! LOL

@fxckgurll omg same!! I’m reading it too and yes I desperately need to know how it ends as well....hopefully the author returns.