After...what has it been? Five? Six months? Nyx is finally b a c k, guys!!!
Dang, it’s been a while...and to start us off...I’m not really sure w h e r e to start--so much has changed on our end!
Well, for pluses, my Mum has finally been healed from COVID, and is still going strong! University has started up again for me and Lumi--though the most recent thing to report is that she’ll be on an extended league of absence to Dramoria(you know how long inter-dimensional meetings can go XD), so she won’t be around for a while.
That being said:
One, there are some m a j o r changes occurring to the Chronicles of Tar’shadda series--complete re-writes(AGAIN, I KNOW XD)--and in regard to that, we’ll be pulling e v e r y t h i n g off, for an unknown period of time. And as some of you may know how horrid our estimates can go, we are OPTIMISTICALLY shooting for beginning to post things again, sometime within the next few weeks to few months(university coursework is DEATH, as it always is--but we promise, we have n o t abandoned you)
Lumi may not be back for a while now, so it looks as if I’ll be the sole-writer for Game of Shadows(the name might even be changed, so we’ll see how t h a t goes XD)--but either way, looking forward to finally getting off this dragon rump and hunkering down for some serious writing!
As for all you lovely readers and beta-partners;
Know that I will, w i l l , WILL E V E N T U A L L Y get to reading your lovely, epic books. I know it’s been AGES since we’ve done that--family issues and tech-time restraints have prohibited me from doing so.