the troll let out a somewhat dry chuckle, gripping his tail tighter as his almost goat like ears tipped backwards. he glanced around with just his eyes before to his tail and then to lucy again, before letting go of his tail and straightening up a little - as straight as a slouched posture could be, of course. he let his thumb claws rest in his pant pockets as he seemed almost lost.
"hAhA... yEaH.. Im dEfInItElY A TrOlL, tHaTs fOr sUrE. hOrNs, TaIl aNd aLl." he gave a toothy grin, though it still seemed nervous. "iVe nEvEr hEaRd oF EaRtH BeFoRe, BuT YoU SeEm tO KnOw aBoUt aLtErNiA, sO It cAn't bE ThAt fAr aWaY. iTs pReTtY MoThErFuCkIn pReTtY, tHoUgH!" this version of gamzee was likely from some sort of doomed timeline where he never went along with playing sgrub, judging by his lack of knowledge of earth and his personality. not like it was a bad thing, in fact that was probably for the better.
His ears flicked against the cold, gamzee shortly after going to brush his claws against them to try and warm them but fail. he ended up pinching the ends of his ears with his claws and simply letting his arms slack, forcing his ears to face downwards.
"yOu'rE A ReAlLy mOtHeRfUcKiN' cOoL LoOkIn' AlIeN ThOuGh. 's tOo bAd yOu dOn't hAvE A TaIl lIkE Me. ThEy'rE ReAl mOtHeRfUcKiN CoOl." he said sort of offtopic, seeming to quickly realize it was as well.
"i mEaN, uH... aNyWaYs. YoU WoUlDn't hApPeN To kNoW HoW To gEt bAcK To aLtErNiA, wOuLd yOu? I KiNdA MiSs mY FrIeNdS.." he scratched at his cheek, getting some of his blood on his claw but simply wiping it off on his shirt. his train of thought seemed a bit off the rails, but thats not too different from any other gamzee.