
My real life, the real me. Get to know me from the inside of my own mind! If you dare Enter at your own risk.


Cover contest for 2 slenderman books. Im looking for 1 with slenderman hiding in the woods, and the other 1 with the character Jacob, his back turned to the reader, infront of the woods with General (the dog) . Jacob has brown hair and pale skin and is ruffly  5'8 and is 15-16 years old. If you want to do a cover for one of my other books please send me a priviate msg.


OKAY EVERYONE! CONTEST  TIME! I need a cute and clever nickname to call both my Wattpad followers and my YouTube Subscribers. It is 8:45 am. Right now. You, my followers have till 12:00 pm. (Midnight) to enter a nickname. So you have roughly 16 hours good luck. And may the best nickname win!!