
Hey guys I know it's been it's a very long time that I updated but alot has happening, i recently just had a baby and have been spending time with my son but I will be updating all my works and starting new ones so be looking for those and thank you for being so patient


Hey guys I know it's been it's a very long time that I updated but alot has happening, i recently just had a baby and have been spending time with my son but I will be updating all my works and starting new ones so be looking for those and thank you for being so patient


hey guys what's up, I know it's been forever but a lot has happen since the last time I was on here writing for you guys. I recently got married, moved and enrolled into college and I have been taking some time to get to my other love and that's music but I promise that I'm back and ready to write my fingers off for all of you, thanks for the support  and love- Luna16


Just updated and Luna so go check it out. It's a really good chapter I hope you guys like it and I'm going to be writing more, no more procrastinating for this girl. So go to read it, like it, go vote for it, tell me what you think and go read my other works too, thanks love Luna 16


So be prepare for a lot updating this Thanksgiving.  I'm gonna be writing like crazy in all my works and I'll be adding music to the works too so be looking for all new chapters. I hope you all go and read, become fans, vote. Oh and please check out my finish work Shifted. But anyway be looking for a lot of chapters from me really soon and I mean Really soon. Thanks love Luna16 


Just updated in Warrior so go read that and vote and be looking for Running After You and new poems to Opening Up tomorrow. Then be looking for a new chapter to Luna and Damage this coming week, promise on that. So go read them and tell me what you guys think. Thanks and much love, Luna16