Hey Luna this is a reader of love triangle. I just wanted to ask if you are going to ever finish the story? There is no pressure in this just wanted to know. Your last update was more than a year ago so if you are going to update you should anouce it. If you are not you should anouce it. Thank you and sorry for asking I just wanted to know. Btw I vote NaLu!


Hiya!! I love your story 'love triangle' !!! Please update soon and yes Could you please check out my story 'love made her crazy ... adultery cases' ?? Please with chocolate frozen dip with lots of white Belgium and with black cherry ... 
          *begging with teary eyes*


Hey I'm Luna and I'm the author of ' Love Triangle' but my account got deleted accidentally so this is my second account and I will be continuing ' Love Triangle' on this account, so please continue to read my story ^_^ but in this account.~ ( and of course I'll check out your story ^_^~)


Hey I'm Luna, the author of ' Love Triangle' thanks for liking my story  but my  account got deleted accidentally so this is my second account, I will be continuing ' Love Triangle' on this account, so please continue to read my story ^_^ but on this account.~