
Hi guys. I am having an AWFUL day. Not only did I flunk a test, which i get super upset and weepy about, but it is one of THOSE days, where I hate my disease and don’t wanna be here rn in my place.


Why am I alive? What is purpose? Why is everything I do wrong? No one cares. The only reason I don't end it all is because it is selfish. I am fat, no one wants to be friends because of my disease,  and overall, I am a piece of CRAP! (But not that word...)


PM me please...


Okay listen, I’ve been in your place before I but I am still recovering. God put you on this Earth for a reason. He wants you to live a healthy and long life, but the reason is unknown. But please, PLEASE, don’t try to take your life, I have before and it will make you even sadder. In plus every human is beautiful in their own way. Sure you may be overweight but girl are you just as pretty as those toothpick girls; you don’t need to be skinny, but just be happy with who you are.. (:


Luna, Thank you for following!!!!!❤^_^


Hi. I was wondering if anything was up. LOL


Ok then I'll tag you in something^_^ just wait for it to be up