
Grey‘s Anatomy applyfic closed 



            Thanks . Message me whenever the story is ready . 
            Ok ?!


@HoumanMv Okay, I will Se what I can do.


Hello . I love you stories 


@HoumanMv Okay, I think I can work with that. Just give me a Little time until I can write that, it will be released on my other Account that I already mentioned. 


            In this story, a child with the power of Doomsday is made by scientists and sent to Earth before the Krypton is destroyed. After a while when the boy reaches the age of 3, his mother and the child were constantly beaten and tormented by his father until one day the child decides to run away, but a wizard woman and scary man can find the armor with their men, but the child becomes angry  doomsday He runs away.The next day, a 3 -year -old boy is found by 3 Disney Princess called Elsa and Ariel and Rapunzel and with them enters the kingdom of magic and when they reach the castle they welcomed the rest of Disney Princess and Melody 12 years Old Daughter Ariel and the next day Elsa and Rapunzel and Ariel and  other Disney  PRINCESS Deciding to take care of the child and the child new life began.When the boy reaches the age of 6, his strength appears and a child goes to Academy Royal Prep and meets Sofia First and her siblings and finds a lot of new friends in Academy Royal Prep. A 6 -year -old boy and his mothers are invited to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Walt Disney, where all the characters of Marvel and Pixar and Disney were present from old to new, but did not go well. Until the wizard and armor woman in collaboration with Disney Villains to destroy the power of the Magic Kingdom with the power of the child. 
            This is where the child's adventure begins to discover power and identity


Hello for now Updates will only come on Saturday and Sunday Cause under the Week I don’t find any time to Write an chapter. Tomorrow a new Chapter of the Fast and the Furious applyfic and on Sunday the first Chapter of the Karate Kid/Cobra Kai applyfic will be Publisher.


          Wie geht's dir! Ich hoffe gut, und du hattest einen schönen Tag (schon). 
          Irgendwas tolles heute schon passiert?
          Ich wollte mal Danke sagen, danke dass du in der L♡vercrew bist. Danke das du schon einer meiner Geschichten gelesen hast  oder wir  geschrieben haben. Du machst die L♡vercrew einzigartig. 
          Ich freue mich von dir zu hören und mit dir zu schreiben!
          Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag.


Könntest du vielleicht bei meinem Buch »Enania« vorbei schauen und Feedback zum Klappentext und Prolog da lassen? ❤️ 


@ Thedarkheart123  Vielen Dank ❤️


@Thedarkheart123 Kann ich sehr gerne machen ☺️


Happy new Year from Germany ❤️


@LunaLove_FanofRed Happy New Year  and I got another hour to go before 2025 comes into play 


            Happy new years to you too still in 2024 for me


Like I already Said past September I will start with a new Applyfiction in January the 1st and will make a List on Word with new Applyfiction for 2025 and I can Tell that there a lot which I put on it. How many, when and which you will find out later. But what I can tell you is  that the Next will come on January 1st be exitied.