
Because of events that were unavoidable, I was forced to take a mental health  break in order to take care of myself. But with everything going on right now with the COVID19, I felt it was best to come back and hopefuly create soomething to take peoples minds off of things.  I don't know If I will continue with my Klance stories, But I am writing a completly new story with the Miraculas Ladybug charaters. If you are intrested in that, please go and check it out! Thank you all so much for being paitent with me while my mental health wasn't doing so well. I hope to keep writing and provide some light in these dark times. If we act as a community we will grow stronger and work throgh this togther. <3


@LunaMoonStar1976 hope your doing well! Been a while


Because of events that were unavoidable, I was forced to take a mental health  break in order to take care of myself. But with everything going on right now with the COVID19, I felt it was best to come back and hopefuly create soomething to take peoples minds off of things.  I don't know If I will continue with my Klance stories, But I am writing a completly new story with the Miraculas Ladybug charaters. If you are intrested in that, please go and check it out! Thank you all so much for being paitent with me while my mental health wasn't doing so well. I hope to keep writing and provide some light in these dark times. If we act as a community we will grow stronger and work throgh this togther. <3


@LunaMoonStar1976 hope your doing well! Been a while


That moment when it’s three AM and you accidentally delete what you had just written.
          Never stay up late and write kids. Never works out. XD


I did the same thing last night with my Klance fanfic! I was so angry at myself, but it ended up being better the second time I wrote it.


@LunaMoonStar1976  You are so amazing!!! I know you, you'll just rewrite it better than ever. Lol. Maybe you should get a little sleep first though. Lol. You are so loved.


I just realized I never ever use this, so here I am! I just wanted to thank you all so much for reading my stories! I really put a lot into them and it means a lot to me that so many people are enjoying my writing! Everyone is so kind to me, and I don’t know what I did to deserve such amazing people reading my silly stories. I guess all I can say, is thank you. This has given me a huge boost of not only self confidence, but confidence in my talents. I love to create things for other people to enjoy. It makes me happy to see other people happy about something I have created. So please do not be shy to talk to me! Comment, message me, do all of that sort of thing. Each and every one of my readers and followers are important to me. They have helped me to this point and I can’t believe that. I am just some shy high school girl who loves Klance! I never thought I would be part of such a welcoming and kind community like this. So thank you all again for thinking it was a good idea to follow my crazy stories. I love you all, and hope wherever you are. You have an amazing day or even night. 


@LunaMoonStar1976 your welcome luna u know i will give my support to u always and we love u to i will never stop reading your stories never stop never ever!!!!!