
Happy New Years Eve everyone!!! It feels like it was just yesterday last time I typed those words in this very same box. I know my stories are literally suffering out there, but this year I want to continue them. If you have any ideas don’t be shy, please tell me! ><  I hope you all live up 2018 to it’s fullest and if you ever need to talk someone, I will gladly help. Thank you all so much for choosing my stories to read and for sticking with my random non-existent updates XD Love you all~~~❤️


Happy New Years Eve everyone!!! It feels like it was just yesterday last time I typed those words in this very same box. I know my stories are literally suffering out there, but this year I want to continue them. If you have any ideas don’t be shy, please tell me! ><  I hope you all live up 2018 to it’s fullest and if you ever need to talk someone, I will gladly help. Thank you all so much for choosing my stories to read and for sticking with my random non-existent updates XD Love you all~~~❤️


Hey! I'm a new follower and I already like your stories oh so much! I wanted to know if maybe you were willing to make a mystic messenger x reader fanfiction and use events from the actual game for those of us who are too busy to play the game haha. I'd do it but I miss every event bc I'm either at school or have no wifi. Of course you could do the choices that you see fit. And u could do whatever character route you want bc I love them all tbh just a small request heh 


But also adding in the player thoughts 


Rewrite game texts if that isn't too much to ask ; }