
Songs till I rot and die in hell.


Yo! The next chap is up. So it's in your hands to read and review plz. Well, I am uploading some story outlets in my fb page - Mamu Skyliner. Check it out. And my twitter page - Mamtha Reddy. (dp is girl & boy talking). So as an additional aspect am uploading fav dialogue of mine with the appropriate character. If you wanna grab it don't hesitate to follow. And, I'll be posting my time to time update info in my pages, well there will me more add on. So stay on track, love you all. Bubye, happy weekend!


To my dear followers, We have hit 1.1K+ within 8 chapters. And I, owe you all the credits. Cheers!!!! But we still need to cope up and hit more views. Take a second to share the book and let others know there is this book. Well... Today I got a screwiest headache watching a movie n cinema. -.- Yup, But I laughed a lot and ended up n headaches. Sloppy day except that. Wish at u guys had a great day. Love ya all, Bye. :)