
now on ao3 forever fam wattpad is too complicated with tagging and stats and just everything 
          	that's my ao3 :D


@LunaTic0507 oh yeah LOLLL! I must stay hidden from my real name now ehe


@That_gReat_Snail guessing ur now the same @ as here on wattpad lololol


now on ao3 forever fam wattpad is too complicated with tagging and stats and just everything 

          that's my ao3 :D


@LunaTic0507 oh yeah LOLLL! I must stay hidden from my real name now ehe


@That_gReat_Snail guessing ur now the same @ as here on wattpad lololol


You still alive?


@Anime_Fan2022 LOL IM STILL ALIVE,,, i've just been on ao3 a lot more since its just easier to update on  but even then i've kinda gone on an unofficial hiatus cuz i've been so busy with college work and since the school year is ending soon i've been focused a lot more on school,,, pain
            but yes im alive and kicking :D


Ayup my dudes its ya gurl Luna
          aha okay so why have I gone silent?? Cuz I'm on AO3 now mostly,,, I'll only be updating HASHIRE! once I finish at least a good chunk of the new draft I'm writing but it's gonna take a while. If you want to read anything new i've posted (two from the hxh fandom and a bunch from the mcyt fandom if i remember correctly) then go to my ao3 AHA
          sorry for the silence I'm literally going to college next year and applications are smiting my butt 


For those of you part of the Technoblade/MCYT fandom, I'm sure you know what's coming.
          Techno was a great person and we all know it. Even through his hard time with Cancer, he still made videos and he still made hundreds and thousands and millions so happy. Technoblade never dies, even if he's passed on, he's still alive in our memories, because i'm sure as hell none of us are forgetting his legacy.
          please, people who know about this and dont, just take care of yourselves. dont push yourselves too hard and always remember to stay safe. I'll be taking a break myself because i really cant write like this. the only thing i will be posting in the near future is my story for the hxhbb because i dont want to dump just like that with the people collaborating with me.
          take care.


Hey hey, ik, ive been inactive for a while im half convinced none of yall remember me HJJHDSFDG
          so im probably not going to post any NEW fics on here unless i want to. ill update the ones ive already posted but i realllyyyyy hate how wattpad works and much rather use AO3 (srsly the tagging here sucks. I DONT WANNA MAKE A BOOK COVER FOR EVERY STORY I POST LMAO)
          also im legit so sucked up in college and high school home work im just barely able to write when I want to t,t so uh, yeah DONT EXPECT MUCH FROM ME :'D


fyi go check out my AO3 i post more frequently there. WILLINGLY. BECAUSE TECHNICALLY, BY DEFINITION, I DON'T POST FREQUENTLY AT ALL.


Can I hug you


@Idkiwannaread1 ♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・