Hey there everyone! So, I’m posting a comment here because I want to write a book! But, the only problem is that I don’t know which story I would like t write. There are 4 ideas that I have, and I want you to tell me which one could I write.
- The first idea would be a FanFiction about the movie Glass. You probably don’t know it, because there isn’t a lot of stories about this trilogy. Just so you know, the three movies are Unbreakable, Split and Glass made by Mr. Night Shyamalan. The good think about this story is that I have imagined a good part of the story. So it wouldn’t take very long to write it down. The also good think is that it’s, in my opinion very original. I mean it follows a part of the original story but step by step, it will start deriving to a more original story. The only problem is, that the community of split, glass ect.. is actually pretty small. So not a lot of people would read about this story, well normally.
- The second choice of FanFiction would be about the game Detroit Become Human. It would follow the original story, so it’s not that original. But the character (don’t know if it would be a x reader or a x with a character I creat) will have an original past (Well I think). The avantage is that this community is very big. So maybe, if I’m lucky more people would read about it. The big problem is, that I stop looking for a while now DBH videos, so I didn’t continue the story in my head. The updates will probably be slow. And I’m not taking a lot of interest into this game right now anymore, so it would maybe not be that funny to right this book then the others...
The next post will still talks about this, it’s just that I need more space. 0_o