Hey everyone... so, first things first: I would like to say thank you to all my new followers, it means a lot that you are following me and I hope you continue to enjoy my writing (:
Second thing: So, my laptop hasn't been working for the past six months (at least) so I haven't been using it. It would shut off randomly and close everything I had open every minute so it was a pain in the butt. It had a virus. So, I finally got my dad to look at it and he fixed it... but he returned it to the factory settings so EVERYTHING is gone. Like, I even had to re-download google chrome. So, all my stories are gone.
Third thing: Thankfully, I had them all on a Flash-drive... but well, you see... I kind of misplaced that flash-drive. So, for the time being I have lost all of my stories and all the planning for them and everything. I will look to see if I can find that flash-drive [hopefully I do] but until then I will either a) start a new story or b) try to remember where I am in the stories and continue them.
Thanks for reading (: Thank you everyone for staying my fans throughout all this (: