it’s my birthday!
Reading Lists
it’s my birthday!
it’s my birthday!
Happy Pride month everyone! I currently have no clue what I am I just know it is 100% most definitely not straight but none the less happy Pride!️
So I have adhd and the attention span of about 1 minute so I realized I have 38 stories in my library currently. About 5% of the books I’m waiting to be updated, about 5% I haven’t started and the other 90% I’ve started but my attention span ran out and I stopped reading and forgot what happened. They’re all really good books I just do this with everything in my life
Hey besties little life update. We have to put my last childhood dog down tomorrow. He lived a very long and happy life, 15 years. I would like to say he was healthy which is particularly true except he was very mentally unwell i guess. Anyways he was a great dog and I’ll miss him very much. Hope you all have a amazing day.
@Luna_Lovegoods_W1fe I'm so terribly sorry to hear that, it can be a horrible experience when loved ones pass whether they're humans or animals. I hope that you're able to grieve in peace and keep him in your memory. Again I'm so sorry for your loss and hope that you can have a stress free and amazing day as well♡
hey besties life update or whatever. I’ve only read the first Harry Potter book because I’m broke and can’t afford to get any of the other books because they are hella expensive BUT my mom was at Barnes and Noble today looking for a book about England for me and in the clearance section was the set of harry potter book except the 1st one. it worked out perfectly because it was cheaper, the other 6 books were in perfect condition, and the first one was missing but I already own the first one so i mean i think it was fate. I also spent litterally all my money on beads to make jewelry so i’m like officially broke but I get paid at the end of the week so it’s fine. Also I see my therapist today so I’ll maybe update after that
Can we take a moment to talk about the fact I’ve been on this app for almost 4 years and my average time spent using it this week was 14 hours or something like that....
can people see my account? wattpad is being weird and said “user not found. this user no longer exist,or is only visible to a selected audience.”
good thank you. i’m usually logged in on my phone and computer and for some reason my phone wasn’t working so i had to delete Wattpad and everything but were good now thanks
Hey besties here’s a little rant At the beginning of quarantine I left my school and went to an all online school because i didn’t like how my school was going to be doing online education but also for mental health reasons and also because everyone at my school is a homophobic, racist, trump lover. Anyways here I am now having to decided if I continue with my current school or go back to my old high school. At the time of deciding my friend was going to be moving to India so i told my mother “if they dont go to india I’ll go back to in person school” well they aren’t going to India any more and I was fine with going back cause I had 5 people I actually liked at that school. Fast forward to now I’m only talk to 1 of them anymore and she isn’t even going to the school anymore. So basically I have no friends, I’m going back to my stupid school that is filled with trauma and people I hate with a burning passion (I counted there are about 30 kids in my grade I genuinely hate with a burning passion like I would throw them in front of a train bc of the shit they have put me through) so don’t really know what to do about that... can’t go back now so wish me luck if even though it’ll be months before I go back to hell... Also to the one friend I don’t really talk to anymore that I know will be seeing this... talk to me k thanks bye
also it’s 1am and I have an Excruciating migraine rn like so back it hurts to move and I’m out of my fucking medicine
Update I potentially have COVID because I want to the grocery store to get tea.... so I’ll have a lot of time to watch avengers. I’m now on Thor The Dark World I’ll keep y’all updated
My test came back negative but everyone in my family is convinced that I have COVID so I’ve been roped into getting another test done probably tomorrow so
so i’ve never watched any marvel movies but i decided to start watching it today so i’ll update
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