Hey, y'all!
Guess who finally caved and got herself a computer?
What does this mean, you may wonder. Well, this means I've been writing like crazy for the past few weeks. Already, I have 10ish chapters outlined for a new story, 5 of them already written. Another story is already plotted, outlined and partially written, too. I also plan to go through my old stories and drastically re-compose them. My spring break will be mostly devoted to writing.
As a sign of faith, I will be posting a little something later today or early tomorrow.
In conclusion, I would just like to add a piece of encouragement to my fellow aspiring writers. If anyone, be them family, friend or stranger, ever tells you that your ambition is vastly far from your skill level, I want you to do yourself a favor; look the nay-sayer dead in the eyes, take a deep breath and politely ask them to take their opinions and shove them. I've learned recently that you are the only motivation you need. praise given by others is welcome and appreciated, but if you don't possess some form of intrinsic drive to succeed, you won't-simple as that.
Let me know which stories you want to see updated first. I'll take your preferences into consideration.