
Aaaaaand... So many ideas, so little time, not a lot of coherent words to write down at least one story...
          	Please be patient... 


          My goodness it has been like what, 5 months since my last story? It hasn't been a very productive time for me to write some stories here lately, I only leave here a few lines of drafts here and there, but I got great news, one of these stories is coming out soon, just give me a few paragraphs and editing and I'll be done! 
          I'll be back... Much love!


Thank you for adding my BenxTybalt fic to your reading list. I hope you enjoy it.


Oh, than I’m looking forward to what you think of the next one. The next chapter is going to have Benvolio visit Mercutio, and than Tybalt at the hospital and they will basically be starting over and maybe Tybalt might learn what happened that night at the party, who knows.


@RosieGeee are you kidding? I'm looking forward to read your work. It is all right that Romeo and Juliet aren't going to be the main characters in this story, trust me, I've read other adaptations in which they aren't main characters. I read "still star-crossed" and another one named "by any other name", last one is about Mercutio with Romeo. So yeah, looking forward for the next chapter. 


A little, the dialogue is my own interpretation, and in my mind Romeo has dark black hair and is not Leonardo di capreo, but I liked the idea of the beach and the Prince/Paris family being black so I incorporated it. I have this taking place in New Haven and plan on using locations in it as the different settings. Anyways thank you so much for reading, I am glad I found a fan of Romeo and Juliet like you. I do want to ware you that after this chapter the story is really going to diverge from the source material and that Romeo isn’t going to be in it much after this, and he isn’t going to be painted as a good guy. I completely understand if after this chapter you don’t want to read anymore. Anyways thank you again.