"Sometimes writers write about a world that does not yet exist. We do it for a hundred reasons. (Because it's good to look forward, not back. Because we need to illuminate a path we hope or we fear humanity will take. Because the world of the future seems more enticing or more interesting than the world of today. Because we need to warn you. To encourage. To examine. To imagine.) The reasons for writing the day after tomorrow, and all the tomorrows that follow it, are as many and as varied as the people writing. This is a book of warning. It is a reminder that what we have is valuable, and that sometimes we take what we value for granted." -Neil Gaiman, on Fahrenheit 451. Ironic that it's on the book ban list, isn't it?

@Rainyjoi2009 They even banned Anne Frank’s diary a while back I still vividly remember how pissed the general media over here was about that-

@Lunar-Huntress We’re going to be reading that for literature class next year and it’s one of the only books on that list I’m actually looking forward to :)

@Lunar-Huntress it was banned through a parents group in kansas. apparently they want to shelter their kids from a book that gently teaches about death