
Over the course of the next few weeks my profile will be under renovations. I will be sorting my poems more and have changed the names I have intended. For the time being the works Dreams, Nightmares, and Memories as well as My Demise have been deleted because they are the ones I'm "fixing" so to speak. sorry  for any inconvenience


Over the course of the next few weeks my profile will be under renovations. I will be sorting my poems more and have changed the names I have intended. For the time being the works Dreams, Nightmares, and Memories as well as My Demise have been deleted because they are the ones I'm "fixing" so to speak. sorry  for any inconvenience


Sup friends and fans! It's been awhile since I've made any kind of update. I have done writing however, I just forgot this place exist. I have been locked out of facebook for apparent legal reasons so I mainly reside on Tumblr but even there i am weary to post my poetry unless it's fan bases. I am still waiting to modify my laptop before i delve into anymore writing but once i get things fixed i will try to post more. Sorry if you've  been waiting for more content.


Sorry for being so incredibly inactive these last few months. I have been working a lot to trying to update all of my tech, including my laptop, which is reaching it's life's end. Once i get a new one I will try to work on the Sun and moon Saga more.


I would like to formally apologize for the possibly 100 emails sitting in your inbox from all my post in My Demise. However the 200 mark was reached so as promised the rest of my poetry collection that wasn't stolen from me is now available for you to enjoy!