
What?? Chapter 2 is also updated?? 


I just wanted to update yall on my plans. I'm currently rewriting Paris Radioactive (in a more organized way) as well as planning it to be more than 1 book. As for in the eyes of a villain, I will be rewriting the story completely and taking out/adding new characters. I let my ex help me with it and I reeeaaalllyyy dont like it anymore. (Sorry to anyone who liked it originally) This will be a slow process due to the fact that I am also writing AND  illustrating a comic (if you are interested check it out on my Instagram @artsybug_234_ ) that and I'm starting my senior year in high school and have alot of new things going on (I try to be diverse in the arts I do) thank you to anyone patient enough to stick with me! (And to read this) I appreciate it!


By the way if you haven't gathered....finding time to write is very difficult (not to mention constantly trying to improve my writing). Everything with covid and my colorguard/band starting practices, and my art, cosplays, family, etc.. lol I'm very busy. I promise im working on things! 


          I am back (sort of) 
          Junior year is still really hectic...however I'm having a burst of inspiration due to my favorite author Marissa Meyer!!! I'm revising Paris Radioactive and since it's so long, I might make it 2 books :D (also I've been writing it for 4 years now ) 
          My goal for this 2020: finish paris radioactive and actually complete a novel (i would someday like to be published)


so junior year is gonna be the death of me! imma try to write but i won't be able to alot...also the unnamed story i mentioned a while ago...imma try to write more and post some but it currently only has 4 chpts...I'm just so busy X/...and Paris Radioactive will get more chpts sometime in the distant future and i also have someone who is trying to help revise it so :)


 like I've only finished one story but i'm trying my hardest y'all. I've been working on an unnamed story atm but it's also one of my most developed plots. ALSO one of these days I might go back in and revise/finish Paris Radioactive, I stopped writing it because It wasn't planned out well and was a jumbled mess (good writing, just, mess read at own risk atm). Only reason i'd finish it is cause I love my characters to much to not finish their story, but I might change the plot line a little bit cause when I started it I liked to do a lot of plots twists. But idk why Imma encourage the reading of it cause it wasn't a bad story at all. Haha and to the ppl who wanted to read fall of the zodiac??? yeah i may not ever finish that one because it was suppose to be a romance novel and thats not exactly my type of writing. To anyone who actually read this, tough, but thx you're the best