
I will be removing my story from here over the next couple of days. I haven't had time to write, draw, or basically any of my hobbies. So I'm at the point where I'm mentally and physically tired, til I have time to revisit my hobbies. I'm going to be removing my story...
          	I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, but I doubt it will. For those of you who did read it, thank you.


I will be removing my story from here over the next couple of days. I haven't had time to write, draw, or basically any of my hobbies. So I'm at the point where I'm mentally and physically tired, til I have time to revisit my hobbies. I'm going to be removing my story...
          I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, but I doubt it will. For those of you who did read it, thank you.


I'm possibly gonna be posting a story soon. I'm trying to edit it at the moment, I have 2 kids and some family stuff that's more important at the moment but, hopefully I can post the first chapter here soon. I hope when I do that everyone enjoys the story I wrote it years ago just now got around to editing. Please be respectful because honestly it takes a lot for a writer to want to post their stuff up for everyone to see. Be kind please it's not a hard request. Again I do hope everyone enjoys it I may be able to post the first chapter up, we shall see. :) 


@mirage_v I do appreciate the love though thank you!! <3





@StarrKandy  no probs! and thank you sooo much, i really appreciate it a lot! have a good day ♡♡


@kiraribae Also if you do write anymore and you want someone to read then just send them my way.


@kiraribae  I will give it a read and give you feedback so far I have enjoyed just about every story I have read on here!! And thank you, that gave me a confidence boost. I will definitely post one when I finish it. I'm not quite sure where I'm headed with mine so once I figure that out it will be done. Lol 


I enjoy drawing, writing and of course gaming. I draw just about anything, big anime fan as well. My writings consist of fanfics as well as my own OC stories. My gaming consists of Call of Duty, Overwatch, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, dbd, and life is strange.