
Hey everyone, I got a few things I wanna talk a bit about.
          	First, my RWBY/Revice Crossover story. As I'm sure most people are aware at the moment, Warner Bros has shut down Rooster Teeth and the fate of stuff like RWBY and RvB is kinda up in the air right now. As for my Revice Crossover, I'm working on Volume 9 at the moment but after that, I will set it to the side until we get concrete info about if we'll even get anymore seasons.
          	Secondly, I have been on a bit of a Yu-Gi-Oh kick again as of late and I've been work shopping ideas for a VRAINS sequel story focused on a mostly new cast (Including a new oc protag), while previous characters make an appearance as well. The biggest roadblock for this idea is the protagonist's deck. Originally I wanted to give him a Cyberse Deck but 1. Most Cyberse cards in the actual card game are already in the decks of existing characters, 2. The few that haven't been used in those decks are mostly made with those characters in mind (i.e. the Salamangreat Synchro), and 3. I'm having issues coming up with ideas for Cyberse cards made specifically for this story. Again, this story's still in its idea phase so it isn't a big deal right now.
          	Thank you for reading and I hope you're having or will have a nice day


@Lunar_Legend are you finishing up Descendants 3?


@Lunar_Legend If RWBY is cancelled you could always just wrap your RWBY/Revice stuff with something you created in terms of plot if you choose to


Hey Lunar, I read your Kamen Rider Drive story and notice that Megalodon(Aka Aoi from your Kamen Rider Kuuga novel) is in the story of Drive, so does that mean her husband which is also the male reader (aka Kamen Rider Kuuga or Y/n L/n)  is gonna be in it because its gonna be confuse if there is 2 Y/n you know what I mean. Please don't tell me that Kuuga ended up dying or worse after his story... I just wanna know.


@Blite0798 It won't be too much of a spoiler to say but Kuuga is still alive but won't be appearing in the story outside of a few mentions, even then he will only be addressed as Kuuga or the Legend Hero.


Wait, what happened to your chapter of Revice x Rwby?


Oh so you didn't like it and decide to change it?


@Kamenrider0856 If you mean the second part of the special chapter, it's not ready to be published yet. I've been working on it


          Hi!I wanna Ask before I do it but.....Is it okay,if I make a Reaction story to your "MHA X Kamen Rider Kuuga" Story?
          If it IS Okay,I guarantee you that You won't be disappointed.
          If it Isn't Okay,I'd Understand,Still love your Stories.

