Dear beloved readers, The Last Chapter of Vampire Knight «Other Story» - [ BOOK II : Revelation ] Arc 1 has just been posted! As this is the end of the First Arc, I will be taking a short break before I continue with the Second Arc! Worry not, it will only be a short one, so you do not have to wait for too long! I hope you enjoyed my Fanfictions of Vampire Knights so far and I'll do my best to write you an even more exciting one on the Second Arc~! Do let me know what you guys think of the First and Second Books so far, though! Also, if you'd like to find me other than here, feel free to follow my Twitter! <3 Thank you so much for reading my fanfictions everyone! Have a happy day and enjoy reading! ✨ See you on the next arc! XO, Luna Scarlet

Hi @fluffypuff254 thank you for the entusiast! To be honest, I have written the continuations in drafts, however, I'm unsure whether to post them as is or if I should edit them first because I'm thinking of editing the story >< Since it was written years ago when I was younger, I'm thinking that perhaps I can improve it somehow, so I'm stuck with the thought... I apologize for not giving updates for so long already! >人<