
Hello! I just wanted to say you write awesome books and that I hope you're doing alright! I understand if you don't like writing Hetalia books anymore if you don't. And I support that fully. Just be happy with the things you do now. I hope that Hetalia has been a fandom that you liked. Love your works.


@Mrbubblylime Only 28 more days till summer, hell yea! 


 Well it's great that you're putting your studies first. I hope that school hasn't been too hard. And hey, look at the bright side, summer is near. So you'll be  able to enjoy a nice relaxing time with nothing school related things to do anymore. I wish you the best of luck in school. Take care now.


@Mrbubblylime thank you for your message! I still am in the Hetalia fandom, I'm just really bust with school! I'm glad you enjoy more work, more is to come.