Hello. Thanks for the follow, I really appreciate it! If you don't mind, can you check out my book, A New Life Begins, please? Thanks again and have a nice day/night!
2 years -
25 published works and 10 drafts, hasn’t the time just flown by? Didn’t know I could do so much.
Thanks to those who welcomed me when I first joined, and to those who I became acquainted with along the way; thank you.
When you voted on my story I can't tell if that meant that you do want to see it from your pov, if you don't wanna see it from your pov, or if you were just voting?
Hey guys, just wanted to say thank you! for those of you who are following me (and non-followers) who have read my books even tho they're really bad. And I will see all of you in the next chapter, bu-bye!