Okay so I just now realized that I accidentally deleted my vigilante deku fanfic and I'm so sorry but to make up for it I have decided to give you all three options for a new fanfic later today I'm going to put in the announcements the summaries for each one of the stories do until then think about what you want me to write but also keep in mind that the summary of the story may change your mind if that's the case then just go back to your comment if you already commented on this and say that you changed your mind (this also may or may not be because I truly do think that the chapters I wrote were complete trash because I didn't go back through them after I was finished editing to make sure it sounded okay...) So if you read my vigilante deku fic and read the update about ships then you would probably know that before I do anything I'm always going to let you guys know how I'm going to write it so of course I'm going to tell you which fandoms I want to do and how I want to approach them! I will post your options in a minute because there's a lot on one of them because I've really thought about it and it goes over the maximum character limit.

I'll give everyone a one-week time limit to comment on what they want me to write

Dark Harry Potter fic: I'm not even going to lie about this I have absolutely no shame whatsoever and saying this I was on YouTube and then the Harry Potter im 99 seconds video popped up on my feed and I decided to watch it So now I have the idea of the story starting out in Harry's 5th year (Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix) and with getting absolutely no help from Dumbledore whatsoever that year he snaps and decides to make a deal with Voldemort so he can get revenge on Dumbledore for manipulating him for the last 5 years+ years (and yes that does include the time he was at the drusley's because he essentially mapped out his life for him since the beginning) Oh! BTW if you didn't catch on yet then I should probably say this now Harry acts more like a Slytherin ( by this I mean all the normal qualities of a Slytherin as well as being able to notice power and balances and is just overall a lot smarter ) than he does in the series Nobody else unless they are on the dark side know this because he plays off being Gryffindor well. He essentially just acts like a Gryffindor to keep up appearances.

My hero academia x five nights at Freddy's fic: So the plot of this one is essentially just an Izuku Afton fic but the plan for this one is to have the story be more impacted by the five nights at Freddy's storyline, well, more accurately the stereotypical AU or the AU that I prefer if we're going with stereotypes and for this one I don't quite have an idea of where it's going to go yet but it's probably going to start off at around the same time as my vigilante deku fic does