
Posted the third chapter of Between Bars. I'm slow on the updates but hopefully, I will be able to catch up. I also need to beat the deadline. Whew (ˉoˉ)


hello can you add 3:00 am on goodreads? so that i vote for it and write a review because i really loved it and i'm sure i'm not the only one ! have a nice day :) !


Hi! I don’t know if I can add unpublished works at Goodreads. Let me check and see if it’s possible. But thank you for liking their story! Have a great day as well 


OMG. I've been reading your story 3:00 AM and I learned just today that you are actually a Filipino (correct me if I'm wrong)! No wonder why Auberon said he is a Filipino. Nakakaloka. Hahahahahaha. Just so you know, I am following you starting now. I love your works and I like to be friends with you. Good luck to your writing and more power! ❤❤


@BlacKittenZ sa course ko sa college, AB English kaya nasanay pero ndi dn perfect lol. Hala wala akong messenger. Instagram lang ako 〒_〒


@lunaaris Hala. Hindi naman. Ang galing nyo po talaga sa English! Ba't ganon? Paano nyo nagagawa yan? College grad na po ba kayo? Pwede ba kitang i-chat sa messenger? Hehehe


@lunaaris Seems stupid you have to apologise!!!! They are not paying for your work, you do not write for them. You write what you feel passionate about - those will be the best stories. Don’t feel bad!


@LeonaBoom yes. That's what I'm planning. I'll be checking it back after a few months.


@lunaaris my first suggestion would be to try a different angle but if you've tried 20 times, then let it rest. maybe after a day or a year the idea will come back to you and it will work out; maybe not. don't stress it!


@LeonaBoom totally feel that now. At first I was so sure what the plotline is, how I would craft the story. I even created a fictional organization, tribes and everything. That's why I wanted to push through because I prepared so much for it. Guess just have to let it go now. 


Hey WattFriends! 
          Only got back now but I'm not really coming back yet. After 3:00AM I thought of getting a one week rest since I was so absorbed into Tana's and Lucas' story. However, life happened and until now I still can't go back to writing. There had been a lot of changes in my life lately and one is my perception in writing.
          I've always believed that I have many great ideas in my mind for the plot and I think each story deserves to be told. It's like my calling as a writer. I write because it's fun and I'm so attached to these characters that I can't simply abandon their story. But after 3:00AM, many wanted Auberon's story and that made me excited. However, that didn't last long as I find it difficult to craft the plot for him. I have an idea in my mind but I'm not inspired to write it. I realized that it's because my writing felt forced which should not be. So to those who had been anticipating Auberon's story, I'm sorry to tell you that I won't be writing it. Or maybe I will but I don't know when. I am truly sorry for those who waited. As a writer, I want to write because the characters are asking me to, for Auberon though, I didn't feel anything except that it felt as though I'm writing for the sake of pleasing someone. I don't mean to offend my readers, it's hard to explain but point is, I want to write for the sake of my characters, not anybody else. Feel free to hate me (╥﹏╥) I'm really sorry. 


@lunaaris awee do sweet I miss you too


@dv36muskan thank you Melli ฅ'ω'ฅ You've always been so supportive ^.^


@evelinglove aww. Thank you so much Eve! I missed you, btw (っ´▽`)っ


Hello! I love your story so much! The characters are so lovable and whole, and the plot is addicting! I totally can’t wait to read on :):) Also, you have an awesome profile! here’s a book I think you’d enjoy too, and it’s one of my favorites. Thanks! 


@VeryBerryFairy Thank you so much! Your words made me smile ^ω^ I will surely check that out! Thanks for reccomending ↖(^ω^)↗