"I'm a piece of Toast from the Moon, I spent four years in China mastering the Art of the Ninja before I set sail to the U.S. in a boat made of paper"
...Is what I would say if it were true.
My sister who will not be named directly in this description of myself brought me to this site.
It looks interesting.
I plan on entering some contest she told me about.

---Ok, now to stop Rambling---
My name is Austin.
In reality, I live in the U.S.
I don't plan to "fan" people unless I find their writing interesting. Please, don't ask.
I like video games, soccer, and reading (Duh on the third one. =/)
I like the Fantasy, Humor, Horror, Thriller, Science Fiction, Mystery, Adventure, and Action genres.
I won't ask you to fan me or add one of my stories to your "Reading List". I think if someone enjoys something I write, they'll do that on their own.
I also like SeaNanners. He's a Youtube artist.

Well, cya! =)
  • Somewhere in the Pacific
  • JoinedNovember 22, 2012
