
Opening up wattpad takes a chunk out of my soul gah damn


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Gah damn... I'm a sophomore in high school now. It's been a while since I've been on this account. I miss being a dumb kid, but I am good with who I am right now. No one probably looks back on me or my dumb books, but that's okay. I miss y'all, and I hope you guys are doing alright. 


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Haven't been on here in awhile. I also didn't expect to see 40.6k people viewed my book. Im happy but yet concerned. I thought it was absolute trash, but yet people actually liked it. Sorry I never finished it. I lost interest in the fandom and hated my writing. There is all this depressing shit in there when I should have toned it down a bit. Anyways I have been in many new fandoms so far. Such as the Jojo Bizarre Adventures one. To whom ever read my book and actually enjoyed it, I am deeply concerned for you. I have no idea if I should pick up writing again. I probably won't start anytime soon since I'm starting school again after a year of being online. My social skills suck because of it, but im happy I did it. I have no idea if im gonna write again, but idk if im even good at it. I'd like to believe I got better at pharasing stuff and writing better content. Anyway thanks for reading this longgggg message. I appreciate you guys. I love you too! I have a question before ya go. Did you like Mask On?


Sups guys!
          I was just browsing the app...and wanted to day hi! I know it's been awhile so I thought I should say hi to you guys and show that I care for you! Anyways I just wanna say that I haven't got back into the fandom again and I'm still taking a break on it. I also tried working on other things! So I hope you guys didnt forget about me...anyways bye bye for now~


@Lunaxrosie33 I've been good! And I've been enjoying this break too I miss the fandom but I cant go back right now


 @Lunaxrosie33 Hello how have you been. And take as long a break as you need I needed to take a break to and it lasted to the point I forgot about it