The process is slow but I will prevail! For those of you who want to know what's going on with me, here are my links! On the Road to Recovery Part I https://forward-flight.blogspot.com/2020/09/september-29th-2020-on-road-to-recovery.html?m=0 On the Road to Recovery Part II https://forward-flight.blogspot.com/2020/10/october-12th-on-road-to-recovery-part-ii.html?m=0

@Lusterdragon72 Thank you. Many task are difficult for me right now so I can only do so much. However, through my emotional times like this, I turn to writing. I suppose I'll just have to get something to read to me and I'll be relying on my microphone to type for me. Hopefully, you will see more of me soon. Thank you for letting me know that you read my post. I appreciate it.

@Lusterdragon72 oh that's unfortunate, really, hope you recover soon. take care my friend