Goal: 350 followers
You say Forks, I say Witches and Wizards
You say Edward and Bella, I say Harry and Hermione
You say Jacob Black, I say Sirius Black
You say Volturi, I say Death Eaters
You say go to hell, I say go kiss a Dementor
You say football, I say Quidditch
You say Twilight is best, I say you must not tell lies
You say childhood, I say Harry Potter
You say depression, I say Dementors are coming
You say I'm going to kill you, I yell Avada Kedavra
You say life, I say Harry Potter
You say forever, I say always
You say home, I say Hogwarts
Put this on your profile if you're a Potterhead until the very end

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Put this gun on your page if you'd jump in front of a bullet for the ones you love.

I loooove Harry Potter, Hamilton, Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, Digergent, Lunar Chronicles, The Selection.

Join My Ships, we are heading off to either the land of ItWillNeverHappenSoStopShippingIt or WeAreAlreadyThereAndWeDontNeedYourApproval

"ꌗ꓄ꀤꉓꀘꌗ and ꌗ꓄ꂦꈤꍟꌗ may ꌃꋪꍟꍏꀘ my ꌃꂦꈤꍟꌗ, but ꅏꂦꋪꀸꌗ will never ꃅꀎꋪꌩ me
L⃟i⃟e⃟s⃟. Words hurt more than broken bones do. Before you judge, think about their situation. Simple words can bring someone to consider taking their life.

Stop Physical Bullying
Stop Relational Bullying
Stop Verbal Bullying
Stop CYBER Bullying

Dear Bullies,
That girl you called fat? She's starving herself.
And you know that man you made fun of for his scars? He fought for our country.
The guy you called gay? He hurts himself cause he doesn't understand why he's different.
You know all those people you typed, Kill yourself to? They took their lives cause they thought they were worthless.
And everybody else you've been mean to? You've either hurt them really bad or ruined their life.
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You're ⓘⓜⓟⓞⓡⓣⓐⓝⓣ
You're ⓑⓔⓐⓤⓣⓘⓕⓤⓛ
You're ⓤⓝⓘⓠⓤⓔ
You're ⓛⓞⓥⓔⓓ
You're ⓢⓜⓐⓡⓣ
You're ⓢⓣⓡⓞⓝⓖ
You're ⓦⓞⓡⓣⓗ ⓘⓣ
  • Hufflepuff Common Room
  • JoinedDecember 13, 2017

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LuvDaPuff LuvDaPuff Dec 20, 2017 10:42PM
Of 50 followers, time to up the goal
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