Okay! For those of you who are wondering if I'm still writing my stuff, yes I am! I just get really busy with life, I started high school this past year. I have started - or am wanting to start - several animation projects. Over on AO3 and Fanfiction.net, I have started more stories - at the moment I have 9 or 10 stories I am writing. I understand that you all love what I write, but I am only one person. If I could clone myself and have one me for writing, one me for drawing/animating, one me for school, and one me for my social life, that would be perfect! Unfortunately, technology isn't that advanced yet. So please, please forgive me and try to be patient with me as I slowly make my way through life. I try to give you the best I can, so just know that I haven't forgotten. If life doesn't take a crap on me, I should get the next chapter out in a few months. Thank you for your time and dedication!