I have not forgotten you people >.<. I have a broken laptop that i can npt you so you will have to bear with me plz. I will post a story hppefully when i get my laptop fixed. All i cam do is read on my phone Dx so i will post!
I have not forgotten you people >.<. I have a broken laptop that i can npt you so you will have to bear with me plz. I will post a story hppefully when i get my laptop fixed. All i cam do is read on my phone Dx so i will post!
I am back and ready to write. However give me time before I start posting up some stories or anything cause I like to write a few chapters ahead of time so I know it will work out well. I will bring up at least 2 old stories I did have up long ago, after they go through intense editing. I am happy to be back! I cant wait to share the many stories I have in my head ^^
@DonovanCatuncan You are welcome indeed. (eating pie) just earned bonus points for that I enjoy pie :D lol Well so far the book is great (defenitly enjoyable) and love it and plan to read the rest of your stories when I can. Thanks again for these treats I will now go stuff my face. :P
Btw my bday is this Sunday on January 27th!! Turning 18 and hoping to get money and ew books I asked for and go out to eat with My mom and aunt so I will defenitly not be posting then! D: BUT EXCITED ABOUT IT!!!
PS: Might have an editor..:P I don't know yet
Okay I know i said I would have had CS up like wat a week ago and I never did. Well just havent been happi with the way I wrote it im trying to make it suitable and just been so busy with school work and family fun time lol that I havent had much time to work on it. It wont let me do it on my ipd eaither on the wattpad app but it will let me read still which i can't help but do all the time like secretly in class!!! D< lol anyway i will work on it and have it up soon