
Idk what to do in the next chapter :") If y'all have any ideas please tell me cuz I lost some of my brain cells while buying toilet paper


Hi This is the author of this account. The reason I'm not publishing and announcing on this account is because I've lost the password for my account and I can't get it back sadly. I'm very sorry for all the people who wanted me to finish it. This account shall be abandoned from now on and I will be posting on this account now. Plus I'll be making a newer version of the story I've made since it was completely trash. So don't worry guys! I'll fix everything and see what I can do! I hope some will share this for my account so everyone knows that this account shall be no more. Hope you guys have an amazing day/night and stay safe and stay home! 


So something amazing happened to me in class. I was just sitting on my desk talking to my friend aka my twin when this guy called Felipe or something came up to me and just handed me 10 bucks and said "God has blessed you" And just walked away. I was shook and flattered that I almost forgot I even had a boyfriend XD I can't pay him back tho cause I'm broke AF but he's a good guy.


@Luvless_Boy I literally sent an ';(' haha.. but YEAH FEEL GUILTY COS UR A BULLY 


@KiwiKawaii05 ok now you make me look like a bully and I feel very guilty rn


          This story happened when I was walking around the city with my parents and my twin. We were admiring the shops late at night. Me being me, I space out a lot. My twin was busy doing something else so he didn't really know what happened to me at tht time. As I was busy spacing out and walking at the same time, this man grabbed my arm. I tried to kick him multiple times until he finally gave up. I grabbed my items that were scattered on the floor but the guy helped me. While doing so he told me "Be careful next time. That care almost killed you. If I weren't there you would have died." I felt so dumb when he said that. That guy tried to save me while I tried to kick him in the nuts XD. He complimented me about my defence tho. He said that he was impressed and to be honest, I was flattered. Anyways don't space out while you're walking on the street at night or you'll get kidnapped or run by a car. 


this message may be offensive
          This happened a couple years ago when I was still in 6th grade. I had this friend also known as my cousin who was a very energetic piece of shit but he was always by my side. So one day the teacher told me to go to the principals office to do something (I don't remember what exactly) but my cousin decided to join me. As I was walking in the hallway, my friend was bored so he wanted to do the Naruto speed run all the way to the principals office. While he did that this kid went out of their class and saw my friend running towards her. She screamed her lungs out as my friend crashed onto the floor. I would've helped him get off the floor but I was busy laughing about what just happened in front of me. Poor kid almost died of a heart attack cause of him. LESSON LEARNED KIDS! DON'T DO THE NARUTO SPEED RUN IN THE SCHOOL HALLWAYS CAUSE A KID MIGHT GET A HEART ATTACK!!! 


@Luvless_Boy You really have a thing with titles XD Like I thought you got into a full on fist fight with that old man, and I thought this friend almost ran over this kid with a car 


          So this story happened when I was at the store with my twin. I was just walking through the candy isle minding my own business until this man who looked to be at least 25 years old bumped into me. I know what y'all are thinking "ItS jUsT aN aCcIdEnT" Well guess what? He made eye contact with me but didn't say sorry back. I was so pissed that I put the potato chips in an Oreo isle. I could have punched him in the face and make him beg for mercy but then I realised that he was actually a worker in the store who needed to help a costumer find an item but he couldn't find it............. HAS HE EVER HEARD OF "TREAT THE CUSTOMERS FRIENDLY"!?!??!? He could have said sorry to me which only takes like 0.4 seconds to say but nOoOoOo He decided to help the other customer find some freakin cereal or something then just say a simple sorry to me. People are so cold hearted nowadays. 


So a couple days ago my teacher was talking abt people's grades and stuff but when she was talking to a specific girl, she was saying abt how she would be like in the future and that she won't have a husband. I wasn't really paying much attention until she said "or maybe it's a she" And then the whole class started laughing while I was the only one who got offended. I just wanted to punch her homophobic face with my gay hands lol (please support LGBT) 


@ Luvless_Boy  
            I don't very strong in english but I know that it's bad...
            Fighting !


@ Luvless_Boy  
            Where do you live ?


@ Luvless_Boy  ME, I SUPPORT LGBT !!!! ✊✌️
            I HATE homophobes :(