
Hey my Luvlys!!! I'm an awful being for not updating but I have exciting news! I'v finished a couple of chapters of "Too Perfect", and I just have to type them up and release. Since you all know how bad I am with timelines and can't keep my word when updating to a specific date, I'm just going to say that in the next few weeks, expect a couple of chapters of some of my work. Started a new story and that's almost done. I'm thinking about just not continuing with "Too Perfect" for a long time, though, because WRITER'S BLOCK!!! Well let me know if you have questions about what's happening in the next few weeks cuties!!! Can't wait for y'all to get ahold of this new content!!!


Hey my Luvlys!!! I'm an awful being for not updating but I have exciting news! I'v finished a couple of chapters of "Too Perfect", and I just have to type them up and release. Since you all know how bad I am with timelines and can't keep my word when updating to a specific date, I'm just going to say that in the next few weeks, expect a couple of chapters of some of my work. Started a new story and that's almost done. I'm thinking about just not continuing with "Too Perfect" for a long time, though, because WRITER'S BLOCK!!! Well let me know if you have questions about what's happening in the next few weeks cuties!!! Can't wait for y'all to get ahold of this new content!!!


Hello Luvlys. Seems that I have driven up quite an audience in the months that I was gone. IJGRR is doing fantastic BTW.  Working on some new chapters which should be out in a matter of a month or so. I planned to release 3 chapters by this month, but since i am really bad at keeping my word, let's move that down to 2. Sorry if you were expecting me to work on my other books/ projects, but I've put all my main focus on  IJGRR for now. If you want me to work on another project, leave a comment for me or private message me. Most people seem to choose the latter, but don't be afraid to publicly request something in a comment. Just wanted you guys to know I'm still alive ;) and working hard!!! Love you my Luvlys!!!


          I am being bombarded with private messages from people, whether it's support, or begging me to update. Can I just say that
          "Don't want to break my heart. Wanna give my heart a break. I know you cared for more, but I might make a mistake. If I don't take my time, it won't be special to me, to me. So let you give my heart a break, give my heart a break, oh ya ya."
          Ok well that was a parody of "Give your heart a break" by Demi Lovato. And I'm basically trying to say that, I take my time on all of my writing and all of the chapters I produce for you. If I didn't tae my time, you guys would not enjoy my story as much. I want you to enjoy. So if I did an update everyday, the chapters would be shorter and less, well, less Luvly!!! And as Luvly123, I want to take my time, so that I can carefully bind together words that were meant to be, and break up those that weren't meant to be. Writing is an art, not something you do to get reads or something. Really, writing makes me happy!!! I wouldn't care if no one read my books and I would accept hate on it too, because although I want to please you, I luvvvv writing and you, the readers make me even more happy. It's a bonus. Thanks for listening to my mini-rant. I doubt that most of you read this, but if you did, that is just my point. Thanks for reading if you did listen. Luvly on!!!
          "The aim of art is not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance" - Aristotle
          P.S. That Aristotle quote means that what my writing's true purpose is, is what counts. My true purpose of writing is not just to please you people, but to please myself. :)


Hey Luvlys!!! Thanks for the votes, reads, comments, and follows! Because of you, "Too Perfect" will be released on August 6th for sure. No doubt about it. I wasn't going to do the story but people convinced me otherwise. You know who you are!!! But you all rock, and the story will soon be up. The description and what the story is all about, is available as the story itself. Just go to Luvly123's works, and it's there. And I'm still in need of those covers and stuff. Luvly on!!!


I am extremely sorry guys. "Too Perfect" is such a good book, and I can't even share it because of time. I have had no time at all. So I know the release date was July 7, and it's way over that but I hope it will come out soon. In the meantime, stay tuned for further notice. Sorry Luvlys. Oh and that was the other thing. If you follow and support me, then you are a Luvly. Like it or not, that's what you are. If you have other suggestions on other names besides Luvly, then notify me quick!!!! Luvly on!!!


So guys. As you can see, the "Too Perfect" description is up, so check that out to see what the new book is going to be about. And I am in need of a cover for the book. I want to give you guys the first chapter early. So looks like you guys won't have to wait until July 7th. Ummm but what this message was all about is HELP ME!!! I NEED A COVER FOR THE BOOK. So if you want to make  cover, do so, and send it to me ASAP. If you want an idea of what it should look like, just read the description and take it from that. Oh and the characters look like this.
          Evelyn- straight blonde hair, blue eyes
          Andrew- dirty blonde hair, blue eyes
          Amber- wavy brown hair with streaks of red, brown eyes
          So thanks everyone. And if you have any questions about how the other characters look, just ask me!