
Hey guys! I'm gonna post one chapter of destined scars then I'll not be online because of school (and volleyball) and until I have some time to write. 
          	So just a quick announcement ‍


My both of my ma's account is deleted *wahhhhhhh*


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Tw: dead dove. And s/a
          So I just found out I got banned from a server (a lmk one) for posting something on AO3. it was dead dove and to any other person they would be disgusted, I never linked my Wattpad or AO3 for this reason, somehow they found it and they've banned me for it. Which is understandable, but I still don't know why they've looked into me like that, and how they found my socials? I don't remember tagging them or anything, besides my tiktok? so... But lowkey I hadn't done anything bad in the server itself, but I actually hate talking about my dead dove writings but it has to be said. Why would you bring up my dead dove and hidden writings when I'm actually trying to hide that, and in general BANNED mr for it?  cause not all my friends are really good with the subject, my friends themselves told me, most of my fics are almost at the same level of perfect fucking feast. I have told them that i get why they've banned me and asked no further questions, but c'mon man. Tell me your thought or something