
Part one of the Short Story book up now <3 lemme know how we feelin in the comments, that's my favorite part!


Update: Heyyy y’all  I’m back, I’m alive! Ugh, I just went through and have been rereading Coming Home and Anything and reading comments. So nostalgic
          A lot of you already know that I have been working on rewriting both books. I want to release both in full, which of course is taking some time. But I miss updating every few days/week so baddd. SO I decided to finally publish my Imagines book. Cameron based, I love writing about the freckled boy. 
          Chapter one up tonight 


i swear i’m coming back, i swear lol. fully loaded short story book in my files, just need to edit some more


Please make another one!!!!!!


@LuxNic are you gonna make another cameron boyce story or nah?