
          Curiously,  Luxnei would look back over to the rift, wondering just why she would bother to leave it open. Instead of going to investigate, she would simply lift herself back up onto the, and watch the rift closely. Perhaps she should follow? No. She didn't care. She would simply observe, wait to see what would happen.


@Nebulaer (( S'all good. I saw your status.))
          Luxnei seemed to just hang there. She no longer seemed to be paying mind to the person. She didn't talk unless asked something. She didn't visit places, unlesss she was forced into going. She simply didn't give a care. Infact she almost seemed reckless, even possibly ignorant.


          "Is that so." Luxnei said with an obvious amount of disinterest. Slowly you may come to the realization that this woman was fairly antisocial. She didn't care much for interaction,  perhaps that was because she was rarely presented with such, even as a kid. learning of other Nvyen on this planet seemed to not hold much effect to her mood.


          Luxnei would nid slightly, saying simply, "Greetings." before her body would soon return to its normal position,  no longer twisted to look at the person. "Why are you here?" 
          The way she said it could easily be taken as rude, yet, she didn't seem to have any intentions on being rude, rather it was just the way it had come out when she said it.


          The first thing the woman in Luxnei's land would recieve, was the quirk of an eye brow to the womans question. 
          She would continue on in silence for a few moment's as she would think through how she would answer, soon opting for a simple reply, saying "... I am".
          Her voice was deep, holding a slight masculine tone to it, though, it was still feminine otherwise. 
          "You are.....?" she would question, waiting for either a name, or a species. Mostly waiting for something to leave her with at least a small bit of comfort in being in the presence of another.


          The woman who had hung from the tree, would turn her head around slightly, followed by her torso, to look towards the presence of the other being in her land, and simply looked the person over, drawing in details about them, yet, said absolutely nothing. 
          Luxnei seemed like a rather odd being. She kept to being silent, not even a simple wave as a greeting was offered. She would just stare. 
          Luxnei wasn't one for speaking or being social, rather tending to keep to herself. She had grown to dislike speaking with others,  sinse she was so bad at such interactions, and this was the main cause for her odd stare at the woman.


          Not far from where your rift had opened, you could see a vast area of crop fields, different crops lined perfectly, side by side, growing tall and large, and it would be obvious that the growth was unnatural for even these plants, obviously something had been helping the growth. Most likely the Symites that she had tracked. 
          Off to your left, a very large, quite old looking tree could be seen, and coming out from the side was a long, thick, over grown branch. Hanging from that branch was the figure of a woman, her legs folded over the branch, hanging upside down. She wore a fur vest, made from the pelt of a large animal, and from the angle she was hanging, the vest folded up, leaving her bare torso exposed to the open air. She alsonwore a paor of simple fabric shorts, and a top that resembled a bra, and her skin was quite tan. She clearly spent most of her time outside.