
Just a reminder,
          	Gang Rivals will officially be off its hiatus tomorrow. So keep an eye out for the update!!!


OK! So I've made a decision! Wednesdays are officially now "Positive Announcement Days!!!"
          We all have our bad days, and sometimes we just need something positive said to cheer us up. Plus, even though there's a lot of interaction in the comments, I would like to interact with you guys more. You all bring me such joy, and I want to make sure to do the same!
          So for todays positive announcement, I wanted to let you all know, that no matter what others think you are, or think you have to do, you are the one who gets the say in your life. You just got to stay true to yourself. You are wonderful no matter what. Your value is greater then you may think, and there will always be someone who will see that value. Because that value is greater then the brightest diamond, grander then the smartest person, and brighter then the sun. You MATTER!
          I hope you guys have a fabulous rest of your day. Let your day shine brighter then the sun, and let it blossom like the flowers in a meadow. 
          Have a wonderful Wednesday!!


Hey everyone! First off, I would like to apologize. The next chapter for Gang Rivals won't be coming out today. Currently, I am on a trip with my mother, and I didn't have any time to finish the chapter before we left. 
          This being said, I will continue with m original plan and the next Survivor chapter will be out next Friday. 
          I hope everyone has a great day, and stay happy, stay unique!!


It's ok, have fun with your mom! ✨


          We're finally back! The next chapter for Survivor will be coming out this Friday!! And the next chapter for Gang Rivals will be released next Friday!!! So keep a look out for the next couple of weeks cause we are finally getting back in the flow!!


@LUMITY4EVER16 I'm glad to be back!! I hope you enjoy the chapters! :)


          First, I would like to apologize for how long it's taking to publish chapters in Gang Rivals and Survivor. It's taking longer then I had expected, and things are starting to get busy for me again. 
          I might try to focus on one story each week. So plz continue to bear with me as I work towards getting these stories up and running again. Thanks again for all the support, and I hope you all are having a fabulous week! 
          Stay kind, stay strong, and I'll see you when we get back to the stories!


New announcement everyone! I recently came across some old poems that I had written, and decided to put them all together! The combination is going to be called "Unknown Necessities".  The first poem is scheduled to be published this Friday! So make sure to keep an eye out.


Hey everyone! Gonna make an announcement on my stories as well, but I figured I would send a message on here too. It has been a long few months, and I know a lot of you are probably anxious to find out what happens next in my stories. Well, I'm hoping to get Gang Rivals and Survivor up and running again in a couple of weeks! So keep a look out! I'll also be working on another project that I can hopefully share with you all in a month or so! Thank you for being so patient on these hiatus's, I appreciate it a bunch! 
          Now don't forget, stay positive, stay strong, and have a fabulous day!


So..... I'm thinking of adding a Zander or Zander-like character to Gang Rivals. I just love add the chaos that is added even if his name is even mentioned, and I have a possible story line to go with him, but I'm not sure if I should use it. What are your thoughts?