


been inactive since probably two months ago?? i am so sorry y'all
          i took advantage of the chirstmas break to finish my archon quest on genshin impact Ahahahahah
          HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!!!!! hope this 2024 you'll finally get what you want and do what you didn't last year.
          and i promise i'll try to update soon! i'll make the 2 month hiatus worth it y'all.


Hey Lvavora... You know that Trollex x reader you made two years ago? well I just found it and I think it's really good and since I was pretty sad when I found out you weren't going to make a sequel for trolls: band together and I was wondering, to save you the time, If I could make the sequel. I've watched the third trolls movie and I will give all the credit to you!!
          But it's your decision, tell me your choice!


Good plan! Any ideas for the name or anything else..?? The only books I susually make are about Warrior Cats... :/


@HookfangDesertchaser omg i'm so sorry for the late reply. but actually yeah, i've watched the new trolls movie and honestly i was so in love with it. i was really glad when it blew up on tiktok. i actually have smth in mind for the third movie of trolls but the problem is i couldn't find a fit for the protagonists in my first book for this second. so i was thinking of a new book where y/n will be paired with another character.(thinking of floyd rn) it won't be a sequel to the techno love book tho..


good day/afternoon/night to y'all my beloved followers‼️‼️
          are any of you anime fans???
          are any of you tokyo revengers fans???
          bungou stray dogs fans??
          well then i have the perfect book just for you. introducing my new book called "bunch of nuisance" which is a various × reader book. a crossover from tokyo revengers and bungou stray dogs.
          it follows a story about y/n, you, a detective from the armed detective agency and your adventures with the gangs from shibuya and all around tokyo. 
          it already has two chapters posted, the prologue and chapter 1, so pls if your interested, drop by on the book and enjoy it ^^✨


          Why do I just have to have a crush on my boy classmate and my female bff in another section (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) to ts so hard whyyyyyyy??????


People in Wattpad gives me better advice than my irl friends. They just keep pushing me and making it obvious that I like them. 


@Lvavora oh gosh that’s difficult. If you truly like them both then try to see if either of them could like you back. I’m not very helpful regarding romance as I’ve been a single Pringle my whole life but I hope the best for you!<3


I'm progressingly becoming lazier and lazier in updating. School really killed my mood for writing, unlike I used to back in the pandemic.


@SilverCloud1000 I didn't see ur reply  we lost our internet just 2 weeks ago and I just had to visit the hospital to connect to the wifi and see this. 
            But otherwise, I think the wifi being gone was a good break and I already wrote a few chapters for a few books already. Thank you tho!!


@Lvavora I'm so sorry to hear that. You feel free to take a break if you need to. Just some time to take care of yourself might help get the creativity flowing again :)


A bit late but, Happy valentine's day everyone!! ♡
          Now, who's still single? (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)


@Lvavora I’m a single Pringle 


¡¡Fun fact!!
          Did y'all know that I already have a lot of drafts of the request from the "Reverie" book? And not just that, I also have around 5 new stories in my draft. I just never publish them cus I never finish them cus of either school, laziness, no motivation or straight up forgot about them. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯