
Leute, ich kann mich leider  gerade nicht dazu aufraffen 'Soul Cave' weiterzuschreiben, tut mir leid. :(


I hope it won’t be a problem, that I write this little fortune cookie in English. It is just a fact, that I can express feelings and words much better in this language than German.
          You should know some things. Things that might not seem to be really useful for you now. But if there will be a time where you really need to hear those things, just read this message again.
          First of all, you should know that you are beautiful. And you might think you are not and that I never saw you, that I don’t know you and I can’t even say that. But it is true. You are beautiful. In your own way, because there will always be people, who will see you as the most wonderful person and that you have to remember.
          The second thing you should know is, that there is no light without darkness. If you ever feel like the world upon you is crumbling to pieces, if you ever feel like giving up and you can’t seem to find the spark in life, think about my words.


When you fall into a seemingly endless hole of darkness, you have to be strong and just think about the fact, that everything, however small it might be, every little moment that you feel happy about, will shine so much brighter in this darkness.
          The third fact I want to tell you is, that you will never be alone. There will always be people around you, and even if you feel lonely, you should remember, there will always be humans, that will inspire you, that will trust you and that will love you. Because there was never one person, that wasn’t loved. Not one.
          The forth thing I want to tell you is this: Motivation won’t be there forever. There will be a time, where you think about letting things and people down, and maybe it is true, that you shouldn’t force anything out of you. But I am here and I am telling you something. Sometimes it’s just an excuse. Sometimes you will feel like not doing a thing. And while others will tell you to take your time and wait till it comes back, I tell you to try. Don’t wait for something magical to happen. Start something and do it. And even if you think it is not your best, not the thing you wanted, it will be a start and if you keep up trying hard, it will come back and you will learn from it.
          The Fifth and last thing I will write down is that… be yourself. Never try to impress someone with an act that isn’t you. Don’t try to be someone else, don’t try to become someone else for another person. Believe in yourself and your skills. You are unique and different. If people don’t accept you as you are stand tall and strong and don’t let them destroy your confidence. Be an idol, be your own favorite person and become everything you need for yourself. 
          It’s not wrong to please other people, but don’t ever forget who you truly are.


@ Flauscheball  <3 <3 <3 Das sind richtig schöne Worte, mit denen ich mich auch identifizieren kann *-* Danke dir <3