
So, I'm really frustrated right now. I was looking at the first chapter of my Urlene Fanfiction and realized more than half of the chapter didn't upload. Please tell me if the chapter you read wasn't completed. Really mad now.


Oh my god I just finished that fanfic and I'm dying to know what happenes!!!!!!!


Heyy, @LydiaSpencer901
            How's it going? I can't wait for a new chapter?


@Emiliarosececilia I am SO, SO, SO, SO sorry that I haven't update recently. I know that I've been off of Wattpad for several months, and I am going to try REALLY, REALLY hard to finish this story because I don't want to let you and the others readers down! Please just hang with me, and I PROMISE I will update soon!


Hello readers! It was just brought to my attention that the last part of chapter 32 was NOT uploaded. I had quite a bit more to add, and am SO, SO, SO terribly sorry that it didn't upload. Thank you for all the votes anyways, that means a lot! I'm going to rewrite the rest of it tonight and will be posting later on if you'd like to read the end. Again SO sorry!