Hi, I'm Lyla! :)
My perseverance #ImPriceless - So are you. #BLM #StopAsainHate
I support LGBTQ+ #staystronggrace
My favorite series: Harry Potter, Keeper of the Lost Cities (Team Foster-Keefe 4 life!), Percy Jackson, The Hunger Games, The Selection, & Wondla.
- Depths of my Mind
- IscrittoJune 13, 2020
- website: suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Iscriviti ed entra a fare parte della più grande comunità di narrativa al mondo

For some undetermined reason, nothing I write will show up unless I announce it, so tysm to all of you who wish me well, and know that I hope you, and everyone else, have an amazing day!Bye, loves...Visualizza tutte le conversazioni