
@LylieTianaFanClub :
          	To all members -
          	Wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year!
          	And wishing our Secretary and Co-founder, @Sokeefeforever8, a happy birthday!
          	happy holidays, everyone!
          	- Nathalie
          	(President and Founder)


lets play a game  ⭐✨⭐✨⭐✨ Send it to your 15 best friends. ❤️❤️ If you send it, today wait and watch the magic.♀️♀️♀️♀️ You will meet a person who you miss the most.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️   Or you may get a gift. If you don't send this message your bad luck starts from now.  So start sending it to your 15 best friends (and even me if I am one) ❤️❤️❤️❤️  So start forwarding now !! Dear God The person who is reading this msg they are good person. Their all wishes will come true. In 10 minutes with you will have good thing. You will Forward thisss msg to 15 people then in 5 days this will happen : Day1 - when you will wake up you will get shock. Day 2 - you will meet your old friend Day3 - you will get money Day4 - your day will go very nice Day5 - your favourite person will talk with you Don't break the chain. You have 10 minute send this to the 15 people


@LylieTianaFanClub :
          To all members -
          Wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year!
          And wishing our Secretary and Co-founder, @Sokeefeforever8, a happy birthday!
          happy holidays, everyone!
          - Nathalie
          (President and Founder)


read it all !↓ ↓I mean it !↓ If you were killed , I wouldn't be at your funeral . I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you . We are true friends . We ride together, we die together . Send this to everybody you care about , including me , if you care . #⃣See how many times u get this #⃣ I want you to know you are an amazing friend , till death and forever . If I don't get this back , I understand . But I have a game for you . Once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 people , including me . ❤ If you get at least three back, you are loved. ❤ Nobody knows how important something is , until they lose it . Tonight, (right at 12:00pm) the person you love will realize they love you . Then, from 1 : 00 pm to 2 : 00 pm , be ready for the shock of your life ! If you break this chain , you will have bad luck . With love , send this to the 15 If you don't, you will turn ugly in the next y e a r - A friend told me to do this, so past it on. Tomorrow, two boys / girls will ask if they can I have your number ? Send this message to 15 nice , people or bad luck starts for a whole year . This is not fake . Apparently, if you copy and paste this , you will have the best day of your life tomorrow ! Good luck ! Oh ! And don’t send this to a group chat -


Hey guys!! Just to let you guys know, we will not be accepting new members until after the holidays, so anyone who wants to join and has done the registration, we will get back to you in late January. Until then, look forward to our new fanfiction (Lylie and tiana), coming soon in December 2021.
          And an announcement to our members : 
          Please read our private chat daily to check for any updates from any other members :)
          - @LylieTianaFanClub out!!


@LylieTianaFanClub Yay! Thanks for fixing your wrong autocorrect, Nathalie XD. 



@LylieTianaFanClub oh, it’s alright :)


@Ginkgo_Leaves  sorry!! But I just figured out why — I was spelling it correct but the autocorrect corrected it … ugh!!! *face palms* I officially hate autocorrect, that’s it I’m definitely not using my phone for Wattpad anymore I’m just gonna use my laptop. Again, I’m really sorry Melody :q 
            - #hydrogirl (@nathaliekwang)


@LylieTianaFanClub Happy 2 be a memeber :)